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Employee Spotlight: Maria Esquivel

Maria Esquivel has been working at Evans for 15 years, as line leader for the quality department. She’s the mother to “two gorgeous guys”—one works at Fort Street, and the other works at the airport. Maria also has one grandson, who is 3 years old. She enjoys doing Zumba to stay healthy, likes to travel with family, and enjoys shopping and cooking Mexican and Chinese food. “Quiero tener muchos amigos para disfrutar la vida!,” she says.

As line leader for the quality department, Maria performs quality inspections and other quality-related duties, applies labels, and trains others to perform work correctly, and helps ensure that the work done in the quality department meets and exceeds customer expectations.

As for working at Evans, she enjoys her position here, because the company is flexible and the managers are “great.” She also enjoys the atmosphere at Evans.

Maria’s manager, Nona Adkins, states: “Maria is a very dedicated and loyal employee.  She is willing to take on any project given to her and she welcomes the opportunity to learn new accounts.  Since becoming a team leader, Maria has exceeded my expectations.  I can count on her to properly train new employees and to get the job done correctly and in a timely manner.  I look forward to seeing her continued growth and having her as part of the Quality Team!”


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